Practice Manager

Kia-ora and welcome to Cashmere Osteo, I’m Tim and I’ll be booking your appointments and running the clinic.

I’ve worked in hospitality, film, and television, and aged care. I have a particular interest in keeping healthy and active right throughout life. I teach the Ronnie Gardiner Method, a multisensory healthcare and rehabilitation technique for the brain and central nervous system wellbeing, – seated Pilates, and will run regular Laughing Yoga sessions from the clinic. 

I was born in Christchurch and have worked and traveled in many countries. I speak Polish and I’m learning Te Reo and NZ Sign Language. I have a BA Hons Photography and a diploma in Business Management. To keep physically fit I like to walk in the hills before and after work. 

Tim Belcher - Cashmere Osteo's Friendly Practice Manager.